22 February 2012


This was written before the Oscars 2012.
The Oscars are upon us once again and I find myself desperately trying to see all of the nominated films for a second year running. This year I have seen 4 out of the 9. These are The Artist, The Descendants, Tree of Life and Midnight in Paris. I admit I could have seen all 9 but it's hard to judge what will be nominated and what shouldn’t way back in November. Such films as Hugo and War Horse have been and gone from the cinema which leaves me waiting for the DVD releases but unfortunately they are not released till March by which time the Oscars are over.
                     I never really got into the Oscars until a couple of years ago when I found myself wanting to watch good, interesting film rather than the same old rubbish that Hollywood produce. I admit they do make some good films such as Drive or anything by Nolan. But this is massively outnumbered with such films as Clash of the Titans, Transformers 2 and The Green Lantern.  Since then I have found myself watching films that my 15 year old self wouldn't. Just recently a couple of friends and I watched The Artist in a completely empty cinema which my teenage self would have had to have been dragged to see.
                I like to think that Martin Scorsese will win Best Director but The Artist and Meryl Streep are likely to sweet the board. There are some films that I think that should have been nominated but are not. Mainly Drive, I loved this film, the violence and style of it were fantastic. Just a thrill ride from start to finish but whatever happens at the Oscars, I just wish Drive was nominated.