8 December 2011


I love films to put it simply. It's the way they are told. The storytelling, the pictures and how you can immerse yourself in them. Steven Spielberg is not one of my favourite directors but is unquestionably a great storyteller. His films such as Jaws, ET and Jurassic Park are great mainstream films. Everyone remembers a film that they grew up with fondly. I bet you that the majority of people would say that their favourite film as a child had Steven Spielberg’s name attached to it. In ten years time will people say that they loved Michael Bay has a child? I highly doubt it.
 I love going to the cinema but the past couple of years i have gone less and less. Mainly because of the same, seen it before, type of film Hollywood produces. However I love it when a blockbuster film is really good. People like Christopher Nolan know how to make a good summer blockbuster without it having bad acting, zero plot and headache inducing CGI. Inception showed people that a film can be original and smart and people in their millions would still go to see it.
           Michael Bay is a pet hate of mine. He is like the chip you can't get of your shoulder. His films such as the Transformers series are just irritating. They are not very good but yet the third one made over a billion. One of only ten films to do so. I admit i enjoyed the first one but the second one was just too long, too much CGI, bad acting and hardly any plot. I seen the third one quite recently and although surprisingly not as bad as the second, was still hard to sit through. Don’t get me wrong, some people love his films. They enjoy the leave your brain at the door sort of film but it is not for me. Give me Spielberg any day

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